Guatemala Map

Guatemala Map
Quetzaltenango (Xela)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Guatemala con los Padres-9/9/11

My vacation with the parents was great! I saw a totally different side of Guatemala... the touristy, nice hotel, delicious food side. It was great to travel around with mom and dad and spend quality time with them while seeing awesome places in Guatemala.

Friday September 9th
My vacation began at 3:30 when I headed out of Xela on my Linea Dorado bus ride. The ride was pretty easy, but it took us longer than expected. We also made a 20 minute stop at some restaurant, which was nice because I got to pee, but not so nice since I was anxious to get to Guatemala City (aka Guate).

Mom and dad were waiting in an amazingly large car (for an amazingly long time) when I arrived in Guate around 8:30PM. As soon as we were able to leave, we headed out of Guate towards Antigua.

The drive to Antigua was about 45 minutes, and I enjoyed reuniting with mom and dad, hearing about their trip and showing off my Spanish skills. The hotel we stayed at, called Hotel D’Leyenda, was the nicest hotel I had seen since I arrived in Guatemala. I was shocked! There was warm running water with great pressure, they gave you towels, there was a flat screen TV, free agua pura, complimentary coffee in the morning, beds and sheets where you didn’t even have to think about bugs joining you as you slept… and we got a special voucher for free glasses of wine at a restaurant just 2 blocks away. Talk about luxury!

The Restaurant was really good, and the white wine we had was actually pretty tasty (finding good wine in Guatemala is difficult because it is not made in Guatemala and importing is expensive). I had a delicious tilapia dish with salad, veggies and rice. I was so excited that I was having fish in Guatemala! It was the first time since the beach trip (I would later realize that I was going to get a lot of great fish on the whole trip).

We were at the Restaurant pretty late, and basically closed down the place. After dinner, we walked back to the hotel and I got to open all my presents…. aka an entire suitcase full of every type of trail mix I could ever want and cliff bars (only I would get so excited about something like that), a surprise package from Brian, and some letter from friends. That night, everyone slept really well.
This is my suitcase of awesomeness :-)

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