Guatemala Map

Guatemala Map
Quetzaltenango (Xela)

Friday, November 25, 2011

El Salvador, Tuesday, November 15th

We spent all day Tuesday at the beach. I had a breakfast of fresh fruit, a lunch of veggie pasta and white fish, and a dinner of paella.

The hotel we stayed at was so beautiful and comfortable (nothing like Tulate) and the beach was beautiful. It was the perfect, relaxing day. It gave us time to reflect on what we had done so far, think about what we still had in store for us, and just be ourselves and relax.

Some people rented surfboards (and proceeded to hurt themselves with major bruises and a few bloody scrapes). Others rented boogie boards, and others just spent the day hanging out on the hammocks scattered around the hotel. I didn’t surf, but I did a little bit of everything else.

The beach was rocky, with black sand, but was beautiful and totally different from Guatemalan beaches and Florida beaches. Trash didn’t cover the sand, and there were no wild dogs or pigs, which seemed a little weird, strangely enough.

We voted to stay past sunset, and we all enjoyed the beautiful view. We got back to Happy House around 8:30, repacked our bags for our next adventure, and went to sleep with the sound of pouring rain.

The only sad thing that did happen was that my camera slightly died. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I think the waterproof function kind of stopped working. We took a ton of great pictures in the water, and then when I got out of the water, the screen started freaking out and it wouldn’t take pictures. I turned it off and took out the battery and photo chip, and let it dry. Because of this, I wasn’t able to take any more photos of El Salvador. But the happy news is that I turned the camera on today (a week and a half later) and it seems to be working again!

some serious boogie boarding action

Playing in the waves with Sarah and Korrin

Relaxing in the sun with Marissa, Rachel and Sarah

When the tide went out, a cave appeared that we could walk into. We saw little lobsters and crabs (and this is when my camera failed me... so I don't have any pictures of them)

The view of our hotel from the beach. I planned on taking better pictures, but I didn't get a chance to do so before the camera died.

Looking down on the beach from the hotel.

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