Guatemala Map

Guatemala Map
Quetzaltenango (Xela)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

La Muela

This weekend was pretty relaxing. Saturday a few of us headed to the large Scandinavian gym and then to Walmart. In the afternoon, we hung out at a café and at night, Marissa and I stayed home and watched The Goonies.

Sunday was election day, so we figured it probably wasn’t too smart/safe to try and get anywhere outside of the city (in case you are curious, Otto Perez Molina won the election and will start his presidency January 14, 2012). Instead, we decided to do a hike close to Xela. We wanted to do a hike called Siete Orejas, but we had some trouble figuring out how to get there (5 different directions from 5 different people), so we decided to hike La Muela (which literally means The Molar).

Sunday night, we went to the movie theater and watched Contagion and then had dinner at a restaurant near the theater. It was a fun, relaxing evening.

There isn’t too much to say, just wanted to post some beautiful photos! Tomorrow we leave for El Salvador, and we will be there until the night of the 18th. We have a jam packed itinerary and I’m really looking forward to the trip!

We saw this snake on the hike. I don't know what kind it is, but it was large and moving and I didn't want to get close...

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